Many kinds of skin diseases that plague us. Basically people Indonesia suffer from one or various types of skin diseases. Just for example, night sweats antau tiny specks of specks that affects many babies in the back.Acne is one example of disorder that occurs in the skin. When it came to the stage which is very disturbing, the acne must get special handling
for those who have sensitive skin, the influence of air and dirty water will make the skin sensitiveimmediately problematic. Itching that arises is the first reaction that arises from the body of impuritiesinto or attached to the skin should be given special attention.
When given the ointment or olive oil does not work, then the sensitive skin should be handled by adermatologist or a specialist dermatologist. For sensitive skin treatment by trial trial will further exacerbatestate of our skin, then let the experts handle it.
Some skin diseases often make sufferers irritated because of frequent recurrence of the disease are:
1. Tinea
Is a skin disease that occurs on the surface of the skin that causes a very itchy torture. Disease
skin is due to fungi as parasites on the nail, skin and hair surface.
characteristics of skin color turns reddish, white and black. Itching, of course, especially on wet skin danlembab
Treatment with anti-fungal oil or taking capsules / pills.
2. Allergic dermatitis
The skin is vulnerable to threats that could be a food allergy or exposed to dust or other allergy triggers sources
Skin condition characterized by discoloration of the skin and is very itchy. Anti-allergy treatment may pill and ointment or oil
to reduce the itching of torture. This situation will be repeated when the skin is exposed to the source of allergies.
So we have to be considered state of the skin, skin must be dry and clean. It is a way to avoid the
exposed to more severe allergies.
3. Neurodermatitis
Characteristic features of this skin disease is the presence of scales contained in the palms of the hands and feet. Although not particularly itchy but when carded
will increasingly itchy. this is caused by chronic skin problems caused by stress. Treatment may not be effective if the originator of stress
not been found and the stress does not get a thorough and careful handling. This disease will be improved when the stress has subsided.
Sensitive Skin
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