Case of Cholera Disease (Cholera)

Senin, 19 September 2011

Cholera (cholera) is a disease is an acute intestinal infection caused by the bacterium Vibrio cholerae, the bacteria enter the body through food or water contaminated with bacteria. The bacteria release enterotoxin (poison) in the intestinal tract so that there was diarrhea (diarrhea) with acute vomiting and severe, resulting in a person in just a few days lost a lot of body fluids and get in on the condition of dehydration.
If dehydration is not treated immediately, then continue towards pasienakan hypovolemic conditions and metabolic acidosis in a relatively short time and can cause death if treatment is inadequate. The provision of drinking plain water will not help much, Patient (patient) require intravenous fluids cholera sugar (Dextrose) and salt (normal saline) or a form of intravenous fluids in the mix of both (Dextrose Saline).

· Cholera Spread Disease TransmissionCholera can be spread as the disease is endemic, epidemic, or pandemic. Although many large-scale studies conducted, but the condition of these diseases continue to pose a challenge for modern medicine. Vibrio cholerae bacteria multiply and spread through feaces (feces) of man, when feces containing the bacteria contaminating the water of the river and so will anyone else who comes in contact with water are at risk of cholera as well.
For example washing hands are not clean and then eating, washing vegetables or food with water containing cholera bacteria, eating fish that live in water contaminated with cholera bacteria, even the water (like the river) water used by others who live nearby.
· Cholera Disease Symptoms and SignsIn people who feacesnya found cholera bacteria for 1-2 weeks may not feel the complaint is, but when an attack is a sudden infectious diarrhea and vomiting occur with quite a serious condition as acute attacks that cause diarrhea experienced by vague kind.
However, in patients with cholera there are some things the signs and symptoms that revealed, among others are:- Diarrhoea is watery and abundant without preceded by heartburn or tenesmus.- Feaces or stool (feces) which was originally colorless and odorless turned into a white turbid liquid (such as rice water) without a foul or fishy odor, but such a piercing sweetness.- Feaces (liquid) that resembles rice water is when deposited will issue a white clots.- Diarrhea occurs frequently and in considerable amounts.- The occurrence of vomiting after preceded by diarrhea that occurs, the patient does not feel sick before.- Muscle cramps can also be felt in the abdomen accompanied by severe pain.- The amount of fluid that comes out will cause dehydration with signs such as rapid heartbeat, dry mouth, physically weak, sunken eyes, hypotension, and others that if they do not immediately get a replacement handler lost body fluids can lead to death.

· Handling and Treatment of CholeraPatients who experienced disease cholera should immediately mandapatkan penaganan immediately, by giving replacement fluids lost as a first step. Giving fluids by Infusion / Drip is the most appropriate for people with a lot of fluid loss through diarrhea or vomiting. Next is the treatment of infections, namely by giving antibiotics / antimicrobials such as Tetracycline, Doxycycline or class Vibramicyn. This antibiotic treatment within 48 hours to stop the diarrhea that occurs.
In certain circumstances, especially the affected region of cholera outbreaks of food / liquid by way of a tube from the nose to the stomach (sonde). As many as 50% of cases of cholera which tergolang weight can not be resolved (death), while the number of 1% of cholera patients who received inadequate treatment died. (Massachusetts Medical Society, 2007: Getting Serious about Cholera).
· Prevention of CholeraHow to terminate a transmission and prevention of cholera disease is the principle of environmental sanitation, especially clean water and sewage (feaces) in place that meet environmental standards. Another is to drink water that has been cooked first, wash your hands thoroughly before eating soap / antiseptic, washing vegetables, water view, especially vegetables that are eaten raw (fresh vegetables), avoid eating fish and shellfish are cooked.
When the family members are affected by cholera, should be isolated and immediately get treatment. Objects contaminated with vomit or feces should be in sterilization, searangga flies (vectors) other transmitters soon be eradicated. Cholera vaccination can protect people in direct contact with patients.

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